Sunday, December 6, 2009

I am a procrastinator, but I have time to do it all... later. ;)

So, I've done very little homework Saturday and today, but what I have done is a fair amount considering the due dates of said homework. I've got about half a page for each paper, one is due Friday and the other is due "by the 18th" so I have lots of time for that one. (I realize I sound like I am procrastinating. I admit it.)

I've learned that darkness comes early in the winter, but there is still light. Beautiful lights in the park; an arch of light in front of College Hall; the glow of the Chapel's stained glass; it is all comforting in the darkness that comes suddenly, completely.

Sometimes there's emotional darkness, too. But there are people who give light, and though their light is pale in comparison to God's light, it is still comforting.

Last night, I was treated to Handel's Messiah, full length and live. Alumni from Simpson (even a professor here!) were the soloists for the performance. My girlfriend A was in the chorus of it. She's been whining about how long it is, and I somewhat had to agree, but we still enjoy it. The performance was beautiful. The Hallelujah chorus... WOW. It was potent. Goosebumps, teary eyes. It was incredible, just amazing. Standing up, with all the people singing, and the sheer force of the sound of a hundred voices and the orchestra and pipe organ... I can only imagine the power of say, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It's giving me goosebumps to even try to imagine.

My CA told me she would work-order a checkup on the heater in my room, and I hope that they will take care of it soon. It's a bit troubling when your room is colder than the hallway!

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