Monday, December 7, 2009

For Sara, wherever I may find her.

My 8:00 class was canceled, so I went out and took your requested SNOW photos. These photos have not been edited in any way. Also, they're in reverse order- Blogger always puts them in reverse order and right now there's too many to make into the proper order.

A handicapped button.

I can't believe people have their windows open!

The bricks of the library run vertically.

Wallace academic building.

Inside the "sun room" area at Amy Robertson music building.

A railing, snow on it, near Amy Robertson and the Chapel.


The outside of the sun room at Amy Robertson. See me?

A bench.

I liked how the snow looked on the library's name and on the bushes/railing.

A rock outside my dorm hall.

Icicles on Pfeiffer/Great Hall. Clearly the roof is not that well-insulated.


  1. Aww, you are too sweet! Thank you! Looks like a very picturesque snow.
    Today in class we were playing the game where you all stand in a circle and take turns saying true things about yourselves, and if other people can say the same for themselves, they take a step into the circle with you. Someone said, "I'm jealous of the snow they got back home over the weekend," and I took two steps in. :)

  2. Beautiful! Are you in for a 'blizzard' on Tuesday night and Wednesday like we are? Brrr.....

  3. Yes, we are in for a blizzard too! It's currently snowing like crazy.
