Wednesday, November 18, 2009

church night!

So, I'm still dealing with not having my FM, but I should have it back by next Wednesday.

The dance party last night was really fun. My girlfriend K and I were really silly and had a lot of fun. We learned the Electric Slide. There was free food. It was good. It may seem silly, but I'm going to miss the class. At least I know where the instructor works! (Hy-Vee, she's one of the helpful smiles) Also: Annie's Song by John Denver is a waltz. A fast one, but a waltz, none-the-less.

After the dance party I went to Cornerstone (youth group). It was fun and silly and more awkward than usual. I like Cornerstone. I've started to call it K.J. Time- this girl is in charge of it and she's so outgoing and fun that I named the time after her. :D

And now, today.

I went to my first class. We discussed God. I panicked because I thought I had forgotten an assignment for my second class, so I did it whilst the rest of the class was discussing evil and God's existence and blablabla. I'm kind of tired of the argument. We don't get anywhere and it's all speculation anyway because we have too small of minds to comprehend God.

Second class was about why we act the way we do and conformity and other stuff.

Third class was canceled, students were supposed to just go talk to the prof at appointed times throughout the day. So I went in, and she told me I should go to grad school for Spanish. I was like, "Huh?" but I told her I was already planning on making Spanish a minor. She said I ought to make it a major because I have the skills for it. Okay. That was... surprising, needless to say. I have very little confidence in my Spanish abilities, haha.

Fourth class was a waste of my time. But I go anyway because my girlfriend A is there to make it more bearable. At least today we had an activity in groups, so that wasn't too bad. This is also the professor who drives me nuts with her super-positivity that is SO see-through... But that's another point.

I got my Spanish homework done, did my Psych, and all I have to do is read a chapter in "God, Evil, and Design" for tomorrow's 1:00 class. I'll read it tomorrow seeing as I need to go to bed soon. Tomorrow, I'll also start the paper that is due Monday for this class (this is a record, I think. I'm really ahead of schedule!)

I went to Revelation Singers this evening and we sang Christmas songs... Sigh. It's too soon still. After Rev Singers there was Campus Worship. The songs are great. The speakers still irritate me in their seeming persistence in NOT sharing the way to be saved, but they do use Scripture in their sermons and try to point us toward Christ. Prayer time is different but I like it; we join hands across the aisles and then one of the chaplains leads prayer. (By the way, Mom, the chaplain with long hair cut it! It's still long for a man, though... It's about the length mine was when it was cut. I've noticed recently that my hair has grown back at least an inch. This makes me happy, but I want it to keep growing!)

I haven't had a chance to keep reading "One Thing" but I will read a little bit before I go to sleep tonight.

Today's song is Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns (I LOVE Casting Crowns's music.)


  1. You are so good about keeping us up-to-date. Thanks! May God send daily "wisdom from above" to help you with all your challenges.
    James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

  2. What was that about not doing homework in class? Eh? Eh?
    Just teasing. :) Love you!
