Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's snowing again

I hate winter, with the cold snaps and the snow that stings my eyes and face when I'm walking to class. The way the cold makes my fingers turn white and hurt. The chilliness of the weather and the gray skies and the way my mood is dampened and the constant sleepiness and winter blahs just make me hate the season.

I want spring to be here, spring like we had a week ago when everything melted and I could walk to class in short sleeves. But it is snowing again, and I'm alone in my room, listening to Tom Petty sing about the great wide open, and it's like being smacked in the heart with spring fever. If only the sun were shining, and the sky were that magical color of blue that comes in the spring, and the temperature were just right for the love of life to come surging through the veins...

Green grass poking up by the sidewalks, and little crocuses lifting their heads, and that scent in the air of growth and new life- THAT is what I want. Spring!

This is a plant I had last year but it died because I can't seem to keep plants or pets alive...

Monday, February 14, 2011


Soooo... my resolutions mostly fell through. I've been doing pretty good with getting to bed before midnight, and I'm eating healthier. I lost a couple pounds doing that. I haven't been buying things I don't need/won't use.
I've learned recently that someone I know and often thought of as a bit of a redneck has a tender heart under that gruff exterior. It is fascinating to see more than scruffy redneck bravado, especially when you didn't think that person was a tenderhearted person.
I like this song and this singer.