Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snowy Sunday

Three people I love very much are flying home today. It is snowing so I am thinking about their safety.
We are celebrating a birthday today.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am so ready for finals.

My papers are all finished and I have been studying like a maniac. I'm so ready.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

well hello December.

It's getting colder, the professors are making us do course evaluations, and they're talking about doing midnight breakfast...


This Monday marks the beginning of 'dead week' and the following Monday is finals week! I have a lot to do between now and then, but I will get it done. Here's my to-do list:
- STUDY- Greek, Bio, Anthro, and Spanish
- WRITE- two papers for philosophy and a paper for Spanish (written in Spanish)
- Pack!
- Do service (3 times during Dead Week!)
- And other stuff that I am not listing here. This probably involves having a mini-mental breakdown. (that's a joke)

The end is near!

And now I can listen to Christmas music! haha